Accord Software, Inc.

Testing Distributed Application

As with all software, testing is crucial to ensure that it works correctly. With distributed applications, there is a new set of problems that can occur which one normally does not expect in a single process application.

These problems generally tend to be network service related, e.g. the host cannot be reached or it times out because it is overloaded, etc.

With careful adherence to the CIDL Specification and a sensible strategy to handle network or system failures with suitable IFC Error/Recovery Handler routines, such problems can be turned into opportunities.

The successful distributed applications will be the ones which are highly available - i.e. they are are designed with adequate redundancy/replication of data and services, and they have the ability to be managed and secured.

Accord Architecture is implemented such that it is relatively easy to isolate problems and correct them. It also gives your distributed applications Management capability so that you can observe how your applications are performing and tune them dynamically.

If your application works as a single process and not as a client-server, please send your CIDL Specification or IFC interface to and it will be looked at.
[P-081] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1993-1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.